Monday, January 21, 2019

Beaver Creek Watershed

The Verde River is The Heart & Soul of The Verde Valley.  Likewise, each of The Verde River's tributaries offer their own allure and special magic to this place we call home.  Here are some of the many online resources describing The Beaver Creek Watershed.
The website above is an excellent introduction to The Beaver Creek Watershed:
This is a somewhat longer look at the Beaver Creek Watershed.
The USDA Forest Service has put together some awesome
The USGS stream flow gage for Wet Beaver Creek is located at a very
picturesque site alongside the famous Bell Trail a few miles away.
Here is the USGS website for the Wet Beaver Creek gaging station:,00060
Wet Beaver Creek really shines on The Bell Trails to The Crack.
Here is the link to the Hike Arizona description of that classic day hike.
Below are a few of the 100's of  photos you will find on the above website.

After you have perused one or more of the above websites, you will be equipped with plenty of "key word search strings" with which to do your own independent investigation(s) into The Beaver Creek Watershed.